(The X being the 2 slashing cuts you mac on your wrists after you are tricked into abandoning the only true pro-grade anything Lord Master Apple ever produced.) Final Cut 7 used still used by more Hollywood producers than the ancient Media Composer (A system I used for 10 years), kicked every ones sensibilities, and had every devoloper and his brother writing prograde software to enhance this wonderful software based entity. Not the cheesoid version of of the old MAC MOVIE for Grandma masquarading as Final Cut X. ( As we all know Mac and Adobe are sworn enemies each looking to undermine the other.) I was worned of upgrading the Mac OSX to anything later than 10.12.6 Another abaondoned step child deserted by it's father, is the morePROFESSIONAL EDITING SYSTEM FINAL CUT PRO 7.

The work around is to use an older version of After Defects like 4 which boots fine and jolly. CS6 works in Sierra perfectly, including Photoslop. A lot of money spent on not being able to use the program. Sorry I write directly to you, but I find it very difficult, no - impossible to reach any help from any Adobe-employee. But the system must be able to see that it's the same computer? Do you know if it is completely impossible to get it back? I installed in on my old mac and then this mac - so i used my 2 downloads. I have done as former posts recommend Log-ind and click the small box for downloading Illustrator on my computer, but right before it comes up with an "Error number xx" (can't remember it right now). Last time a guy from India wanted me to download something and pay him money for the download. I was wondering if you could help me getting back my Illustrator? (my absolute favorite) I accidentally deleted it from my computer and when I look up in Adobes forum about this I run my head against the wall. I have a problem with my Adobe CS6 package, which I also many years bought and installed.